Simulation Clinical Studies
Clinical studies
Our products have featured in a variety of clinical studies to assess the value of simulation and artificial intelligence in advancing ultrasound.
Can interactive educational technologies support the link between ultrasound theory and practice via feedback mechanisms?
Diane Dickson, Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland ScanTrainer | There is a growing body of evidence to promote simulated learning activities, particularly in ultrasound education and that student confidence is enhanced through the simulated learning environment. All students found the ScanTrainer easy to use and full consensus with highest agreement was that it was an interesting, relevant, […]

Collecting validity evidence for simulation-based assessment of point-of-care ultrasound skills
Jesper Kørup Jensen, MD, Liv Dyre, MB, Mattis Enggaard Jørgensen, MD, Lisbeth Anita Andreasen, MD, Martin Grønnebæk Tolsgaard, MD, PhD ScanTrainer | The aim of this study was to examine the validity of a simulator test designed to evaluate focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) skills. This study concluded that the performance of FAST examinations can be assessed […]

Transvaginal ultrasound simulation and its effect on trainee confidence levels: a replacement for initial clinical training?
C J Williams, J C Edie, B Mulloy, D M Flinton, G Harrisont ScanTrainer | All participants thought that prior practise on the ScanTrainer could improve the patient’s experience of having a TVUS performed by a trainee and that there is a role for simulation training in US education. It was thought that the increased confidence felt […]

The role of ultrasound simulators in education: an investigation into sonography student experiences and clinical mentor perceptions
Dr. V. Gibbs, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, University of the West of England ScanTrainer | Simulation was positively evaluated by the majority of the students and mentors in this study. The findings confirm that ultrasound simulators provide positive learning opportunities in a risk- free environment, which reduces stress for the student, and potential harm to patients. Confidence levels […]

Effect of simulation training on cognitive performance using transesophageal echocardiography
John A. Shields, DNP, CRNA, Russell Gentry, DNAP, CRNA HeartWorks | This study hypothesizes that knowledge acquisition in the use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) could be accomplished better through the use of a simulator than with online or web-based learning.

Resuscitative cardiopulmonary ultrasound and transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency department
Felipe Teran, MD, MSCE HeartWorks | In summary, resuscitative cardiopulmonary ultrasound is a powerful tool in the assessment of critically ill patients, and continues to rapidly grow in emergency medicine. Resuscitative cardiopulmonary ultrasound and TEE represent a dynamic and scalable field in acute care imaging. EPs can and should adapt the use of these tools to their […]

The impact of internet and simulation-based training on transoesophageal echocardiography learning in anaesthetic trainees: a prospective randomised study
V. Sharma, C. Chamos, O. Valencia, M. Meineri and S. N. Fletcher HeartWorks | We conclude that an internet-based TOE learning resource improves understanding and teaching of TOE basic views and cardiac anatomy compared with traditional methods, and that simulation-based learning is as an effective supplement to both methods…

Transesophageal echocardiography simulator: a new learning tool
Ruma Bose, MD, Robina Matyal, MD, Peter Panzica, MD, Swaminathan Karthik, MD, Balachundar Subramaniam, MD, John Pawlowski, MD, PhD, John Mitchell, MD, and Feroze Mahmood, MD HeartWorks | In summary, the TEE simulator is a revolutionary advancement in the field of echocardiography with an enormous potential to simplify this complex process. It is going to enormously impact the way students are […]

Impact of simulator-based training in focused transesophageal echocardiography: a randomized controlled trial
Andreas Bloch, MD, Robert von Arx, MD, Reto Etter, MD, David Berger, MD, Heiko Kaiser, MD, Armando Lenz, PhD and Tobias M. Merz, MD HeartWorks | Simulation-based TEE training improves the ability of novice operators to perform a focused critical care TEE in comparison to lecture-based education only. After 8 hours of simulator and lecture-based training, the majority of […]

Echocardiography simulation – a powerful educational tool
Dr Nick Fletcher MBBS FRCA FFICM, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Cardiac Critical Care, St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust, London UK HeartWorks | HeartWorks has been utilized in many high profile international courses. In Europe, these include the Echotrainer courses at St Georges in London, the postgraduate cardiac ultrasound course at the European Society of Intensive Care and the echocardiography courses at the European Society of Anesthesia. All have […]