Clinical Studies Archive - Page 4 of 4 - Intelligent Ultrasound

Clinical Studies

Clinical studies

Our products have featured in a variety of clinical studies to assess the value of simulation and artificial intelligence in advancing ultrasound.

The effect of virtual reality bronchoscopy simulator training on performance of bronchoscopic-guided intubation in patients: a randomised controlled trial

Wong DT, Mehta A, Singh KP, Leong SM, Ooi A, Niazi A, et al OrSim | Post training performance of FOB intubation, as measured by intubation time and GRS, improved in Group SIM, while it was unchanged in the Group CON. The ORSIM simulator may be a useful adjunct in acquiring FOB intubation skills.

Training on a new, portable, simple simulator transfers to performance of complex bronchoscopy procedures

Krogh CL, Konge L, Bjurstrom J, Ringsted C OrSim | Virtual-reality (VR) simulation provides a safe and effective learning environment prior to practicing on patients. The effect of a brief, self-directed training session using a portable, simple simulator was substantial and transferred to performance of more complex skills.

Fibreoptic airway endoscopy training: comparison of three different trainer models

Vaidyanath C, Sharma M, Mendonca C OrSim | The participants agreed that the ORSIM improved hand-eye coordination, which is an essential component of fibreoptic endoscopy training. This study demonstrated that when fibreoptic endoscopic training is provided using these models, the advantages of the dynamic component become more evident.

Fibreoptic tracheal intubation training using bronchoscopy simulation

Badiger S, Fearnley A, Ahmad I OrSim |  With the results of the questionnaire and feedback from trainees, we feel that simulation is a valuable addition to our existing training methods and the advantages of ORSIM specifically are its portability, ease of use and its high definition graphics in a range of difficult airway scenarios.

Randomised comparison of ORSIM™ bronchoscopy simulator and Dexter® endoscopy trainer in improving fibreoptic endoscopy skills of anaesthetic trainees

Ungureanu N, Vaidyanah C, Mendonca C OrSim |  ORSIM® bronchoscopy simulator offered an advantage in terms of time taken to complete the endoscopy on patients…

Artificial intelligence for image interpretation in ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia

J. Bowness, K. El-Boghdadly, D. Burckett-St Laurent ScanNav AnatomyGuide | This study presents the case for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in identifying key anatomical features to facilitate ultrasound‐guided regional anaesthesia.

Sustained effect of simulation-based ultrasound training on clinical performance: a randomized trial

Martin G. Tolsgaard, Charlotte Ringsted, Eva Dreisler, Lone N. Nørgaard, Jørgen H. Petersen, Mette E. Madsen, Nina L.C. Freiesleben, Jette L. Sørensen, Ann Tabor ScanTrainer | The objective was to study the effect of initial simulation-based transvaginal ultrasound training compared to only clinical training on the clinical performances of residents in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) measured at two months into […]