Clinical Studies
Clinical studies
Our products have featured in a variety of clinical studies to assess the value of simulation and artificial intelligence in advancing ultrasound.
Gynaecological ultrasound simulator: a new method for trainees’ evaluation
G.E. Chalouhi, V. Bernardi, S. Benedetti, S. Brun, T. Bultez, M. Dommergues, Y. Ville ScanTrainer | For the time being, evaluating trainees in gynecological ultrasound is a very delicate matter, for the trainee, the volunteering patient and the physician recruiting her. The TV ultrasound training simulator is a good tool to evaluate trainees in normal and […]

What is the construct validity for Medaphor ScanTrainer’s gynaecological and early pregnancy modules
Ficquet, J. Preshaw, F. Day, C. Burden, E. Lenguerrand, S. Grant, C. Overton, T. Draycott ScanTrainer | This study concluded that Intelligent Ultrasound’s (formerly known as Medaphor) ScanTrainer distinguishes between gynaecologists of differing ultrasound expertise in terms of completing a comprehensive and systematic transvaginal scan and measurement accuracy. This system has sufficient construct validity to warrant […]

Is simulation training only for inexperienced trainees? A multicenter randomized trial exploring the effects of simulation-based ultrasound training on obstetricians’ diagnostic accuracy
Lisbeth Anita Andreasen, Ann Tabor, Lone Nikoline Nørgaard, Charlotte Ringsted, Puk Sandager, Susanne Rosthøj, Martin Grønnebæk Tolsgaard ScanTrainer | This study explores the effects of simulation-based ultrasound training on diagnostic accuracy of fetal weight estimates among obstetricians with different levels of clinical experience…

The integration of transabdominal ultrasound simulators into an ultrasound curriculum
KE Orr, SC Hamilton, R Clarke, MY Adi, C Gutteridge, P Suresh, and SJ Freeman ScanTrainer | Using simulators early in training could allow trainees to master the basics, improve their confidence, enabling them to get more educational value from clinical ultrasound experience while reducing the impact of training on service provision…

Collecting validity evidence for the assessment of mastery learning in simulation-based ultrasound training
L. Dyre, L. N. Nørgaard, A. Tabor, M. E. Madsen, J. L. Sørensen, C. Ringsted, M. Tolsgaard ScanTrainer | The purpose of this study was to collect validity evidence for the assessment of mastery learning on a virtual reality transabdominal ultrasound simulator. This study found that validity evidence for the assessment of mastery learning in simulation-based ultrasound […]

Assessment of performance measures and learning curves for use of a virtual-reality ultrasound simulator in transvaginal ultrasound examination
M. E. Madsen, L. Konge, L. N. Nørgaard, A. Tabor, C. Ringsted, A. K. Klemmensen, B. Ottesen and M. G. Tolsgaard ScanTrainer | Gynaecological ultrasound competence can be assessed in a valid and reliable way using virtual reality simulation. The novices’ performances improved with practice and their learning curves plateaued at the level of expert performance, which […]

Can interactive educational technologies support the link between ultrasound theory and practice via feedback mechanisms?
Diane Dickson, Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland ScanTrainer | There is a growing body of evidence to promote simulated learning activities, particularly in ultrasound education and that student confidence is enhanced through the simulated learning environment. All students found the ScanTrainer easy to use and full consensus with highest agreement was that it was an interesting, relevant, […]

Collecting validity evidence for simulation-based assessment of point-of-care ultrasound skills
Jesper Kørup Jensen, MD, Liv Dyre, MB, Mattis Enggaard Jørgensen, MD, Lisbeth Anita Andreasen, MD, Martin Grønnebæk Tolsgaard, MD, PhD ScanTrainer | The aim of this study was to examine the validity of a simulator test designed to evaluate focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) skills. This study concluded that the performance of FAST examinations can be assessed […]

Transvaginal ultrasound simulation and its effect on trainee confidence levels: a replacement for initial clinical training?
C J Williams, J C Edie, B Mulloy, D M Flinton, G Harrisont ScanTrainer | All participants thought that prior practise on the ScanTrainer could improve the patient’s experience of having a TVUS performed by a trainee and that there is a role for simulation training in US education. It was thought that the increased confidence felt […]

The role of ultrasound simulators in education: an investigation into sonography student experiences and clinical mentor perceptions
Dr. V. Gibbs, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, University of the West of England ScanTrainer | Simulation was positively evaluated by the majority of the students and mentors in this study. The findings confirm that ultrasound simulators provide positive learning opportunities in a risk- free environment, which reduces stress for the student, and potential harm to patients. Confidence levels […]