Testimonial on the use of the ScanTrainer and Cloud Access
Kristi Flowers, BS, RDMS
Program Director
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Augusta Technical College

At Intelligent Ultrasound, we are committed to transforming ultrasound education with cutting-edge simulation technology. Our ScanTrainer and Cloud Access provide sonography students with hands-on experience in a stress-free learning environment, helping them build confidence before stepping into clinical practice.
Below is a testimonial from Kristi Flowers, BS, RDMS, Program Director of Diagnostic Medical Sonography at Augusta Technical College, highlighting the impact of ScanTrainer on their program:
‘The Scantrainer and cloud access are a valuable resource to supplement our Sonography program. The system helps reiterate normal anatomy and introduce pathologies that students typically do not see in lab. We can assign pathologies for them to document and measure without the stress of being in clinic when seeing it the first time. Students are able to scan sensitive exams like transvaginal, breast, and scrotal for additional practice when not under the pressure of the clinical environment. Cloud access gives us additional exams and pathologies for students to practice as well as remote access for students to review learning resources to supplement their scanning. As instructors we can access the cloud from any computer to follow student progress, review images, and we can grade individual exams and images remotely. We use the Scantrainer and cloud access daily in our program and both are a valuable resources for our program!’

A comprehensive learning curriculum in Transvaginal (TV) and Transabdominal (TA) Ultrasound.