University of Teesside ScanTrainer case study

The attached case study is a summary of 3 years’ experience using ScanTrainer to teach and assess a wide range of health care professionals in the safe use of medical ultrasound. The case study starts with an outline of the first steps necessary for all learners and continues with suggestions for specific groups, including student sonographers, midwives, vascular technicians and medical trainees in radiology and obstetric and gynaecology. These experiences can then be incorporated into your own educational practices to allow learners to become simulator competent. To be simulator competent the learner will be familiar with probe manipulation and orientation, have a knowledge of the basic principles of ultrasound, basic control operation and be able to successfully complete simulated cases on the ScanTrainer.
Written by Simon Richards, Medical Ultrasound Course Lead at the University of Teesside, the case study includes ‘top tips’ when integrating ScanTrainer into an ultrasound simulation training program. In his conclusion Simon says:
“ScanTrainer is an excellent resource. Traditional methods of ultrasound education require the use of volunteers to be scanned to allow the learners to gain the necessary skill; the ScanTrainer reduces the need for this as learners can gain most of these skills using the ScanTrainer.”
Learn more! Access the full case study above, alternatively click the button below to visit our ScanTrainer page.